瑟勒芭·琳恩 Sirpa Lane

瑟勒芭·琳恩 Sirpa Lane
  • 性别:
  • 星座:摩羯座
  • 出生地:芬兰,图尔库
  • 职业:演员

瑟勒芭·琳恩 Sirpa Lane简介


Sirpa Lane, born Sirpa Salo (1952–1999) was a Finnish actress known for her work in B-movies of the 1970s, primarily erotic and exploitation films. Lane was discovered by British photographer and film-maker David Hamilton, who was known for his **** focus and grainy style erotica. She worked with Roger Vadim, who spoke of her as the "next Bardot" (perhaps not without reason). She died of HIV/****.[1]

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