Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford


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《Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford》相关推荐

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《Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford》剧情内容介绍

《Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford》在线观看和下载


Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford

Margaret Rutherford's true life story is in fact much **** eccentric than the most famous fictional role she ever played: Miss Jane Marple - Agatha Christie's ******* sleuth. Rutherford's version was the very first appearance of Miss Marple on the big screen and it was far removed though from the petite, upper middle-class lady in the detective novels.

发布于2012年。由Rieke Brendel、Andrew Davies执导,集众多位玛格丽特·鲁斯福德等著名实力派明星加盟。


Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford资源介绍



Truly Miss Marple: The Curious Case of Margareth Rutherford评论

粢饭糕 2021-05-09

本片采访了几个Margaret Rutherford的朋友、亲戚和传记作家,追溯了Rutherford一生中的一些不为所知的轶事。万万没想到她的身世居然如此奇特。有人说好的喜剧演员的内核是悲剧,看来Margaret Rutherford也不例外。