Até que a Sbórnia nos Separe


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12. 首尔之春/ 黄政民、郑雨盛

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Até que a Sbórnia nos Separe又名Until Sbornia Do Us Part、Til Sbornia Do Us Part

**órnia is a small country that has always been isolated from the rest of the world, surrounded by a large wall that does not allow its contact with the neighbors. One day, however, an accident leads to the fall of the wall, and later the sbornians begin to discover the modern customs. Two local musicians, Kraunus and Pletskaya, observe the reactions of their countrymen: while ...

发布于2013年。由Otto Guerra、Ennio Torresan执导,并且由编剧Otto Guerra、Rodrigo John携幕后团队创作。集众多位Otto Guerra、André Abujamra、阿勒蒂·莎乐丝、Fernanda Takai、Hique Gomez、Nico Nicolaiewsky等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-08-14(巴西)公映的电影。


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