Serial 第一季

Serial Season 1(2014)

Serial 第一季在线观看和下载
  • 豆瓣评分:  8.9
  • 演员: Sarah Koenig / Hae Min Lee / Adnan Syed
  • 地区: 美国
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Serial 第一季原名:Serial Season 1,又名连环

Serial is a podcast where we unfold one nonfiction story, week by week, over the course of a season. We'll stay with each story for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of it.  We'll release new episodes every Thursday morning. Listeners can subscribe for free to the Serial podcast on iTunes and other audio platforms, and can also listen here on this site. Serial, like This ...

发布于2014年。由Sarah Koenig执导,并且由编剧Sarah Koenig携幕后团队创作。集众多位Sarah Koenig、Hae Min Lee、Adnan Syed等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-10-02公映的电视剧。


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Serial 第一季评论

普宁困意 2020-08-05

还是觉得如果不是Syed的话 他也太点背了

萨摩耶(已黑化) 2019-11-25

竟然有条目,配乐好听,案件好纠结好胶着,很诡异,jay和adnan一定有什么不可告人的秘密...不然好难解释!(目前觉得1.jay和jen一起干的,嫁祸给adnan 2.jay adnan一起干的,jay反悔)

维林诺的金菇 2019-05-31


庄常飞 2018-04-26

还是可以的,和American Vandal一起欣赏味道更佳

Sigma von Zeta 2016-02-21

跟着跑步听了一个月 真是非常舍不得结束 最喜欢的是制作人们一直保持的中立的态度 不说What I think but what I know?

Redux 2015-12-19


sunflowerzzz 2015-04-22


Lycidas 2015-02-14


Romano 2015-01-07

While the story is extremely interesting, I feel sad for Hae, and Adnan. Under no circumstances should anyone be convicted of first degree murder in such a shaky case, never.