The Machine That Made Us


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Stephen Fry
  • 类型:紀錄片 Documentary
  • 地区: 英国
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The Machine That Made Us又名Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg Press

In this revealing documentary, Stephen Fry investigates the story of one of the most important machines ever invented - the Gutenberg Press.  The printing press was the world's first mass-production machine. Its invention in the 1450s changed the world as dramatically as splitting the **** or sending men into *****, sparking a cultural revolution that shaped the modern age. It i...

发布于2008年。由Patrick McGrady执导,集众多位Stephen Fry等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2008-04-14公映的电影。

豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为紀錄片 Documentary的电影。创作于英国地区,具有英语语言版本。

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The Machine That Made Us评论

S 2018-02-19

detailed, organized, informative. What else could you ask for in an 1-h documentary recording the ultimate example of perfection?

小猪家的竹子 2017-09-30


味漓 2017-09-14


橙子换马甲 2012-09-06


亂室佳人 2012-04-19

哎 为什么中国没有所谓的renaissance

zbigniew 2011-05-18
