Musketeers of the Tsar


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5. 机器人之梦/ 伊万·拉班达、阿尔伯特·特里佛·塞加拉
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11. 首尔之春/ 黄政民、郑雨盛
12. 周处除三害/ 阮经天、袁富华

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《Musketeers of the Tsar》在线观看和下载


Musketeers of the Tsar

Moscow, 17th Century. As Russia is beset by internal strife and power struggles, Grigori the bear , chief of the army of the young Tsar Peter I, travels to France with his daughter Dashen'ka, a young apprentice magician to perform a twofold mission: - to meet with Louis XIV and seal an alliance with France, bringing back reinforcements and his niece Princess Agnes from Versaill...

发布于2022年。由保罗·布里兹、盖坦·布里兹执导,并且由编剧本杰明·罗格朗、Paul Boris Lobadowsky携幕后团队创作。


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