So You Won't Squawk

So You Won't Squawk(1941)

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《So You Won't Squawk》相关推荐

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《So You Won't Squawk》剧情内容介绍

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So You Won't Squawk原名:So You Won't Squawk,

The handyman is finishing getting the Island Inn Café ready for opening night: it's a speakeasy, and the owner, Louie the Wolf, has been warned by the local mob kingpin, Slugger McGraw, not to open. When Slugger's thugs arrive at the Island Inn, they think the handyman is Louie. Louie promotes this case of mistaken identity, and our poor innocent faces a series of dangerous sit...

发布于1941年。由Del Lord执导,并且由编剧埃尔伍德·厄尔曼携幕后团队创作。集众多位巴斯特·基顿、Matt McHugh、埃迪·凡特思顿等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1941-02-21公映的电影。


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So You Won't Squawk评论

虎珀鱼 2020-12-24


皮革业 2009-09-27

黑帮片 太成龙啦 Jackie只有汗颜的份儿了